Sign up to for great exposure

Did you know 80% of people research their holidays on a mobile phone 20 weeks out from their departure date?

Sign up to our tourism website and we’ll register you with the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW).

In order for us to have the best information always on show we are connecting with the ATDW and pulling all information and photo content from their site onto ours, but that’s not all, you’ll be listed on as well as, and through ATDW’s network of over 150 tourism distributors.

All of the  Clarence Valley destination marketing we do here at My Clarence Valley Business (MCVB) will push people to our website and we want to make sure that your business or event benefits from this great exposure. Basically, we’ll give you a significant online presence by driving people to experience what you have on offer and showing, essentially the world, what an amazing place the Clarence Valley is and what a diverse range of product there is to be enjoyed.

Image of website showing business listing

Sign up to our website for great exposure

Let's kick things off with some information

Industry Category (Tick all applicable)

Tell us more about yourself

OK! Let's find out more about your business

(Let's start by ticking all applicable)

How would you describe your business?

Write 50 to 200 words


Help customers imagine themselves at your establishment/experience by describing the types of experiences they will have and highlighting what makes your business unique. Remember to begin the description with your business name for better brand recognition and search results. Then mention your unique selling points so potential customers can immediately differentiate you from your competitors.Short sentences and one idea per paragraph are best. Showcase the best attributes of your business and provide the reader with ideas of what they can do while visiting. Conclude the description with supporting details and ‘How to Get There’ information.

Is your business known by an alternative name?

Please upload your photos

  • Minimum photo size is 2048 x 1536 pixels approximately 1.5mb.
  • Maximum individual photo size is 10mb.
  • Minimum 1 photo, maximum 8 photos.
  • Only png or jpeg/jpg files will be accepted.
  • Portrait sized photos, posters, brochures, logos or photos with written text are not accepted.
  • Alternative Text (Alt text) is mandatory. Write a brief description of what’s in the photo. This benefits the visually impaired and your SEO. If necessary, add copyright details and credit the photographer.

Where can customers find you on social media (enter URL address)

Please select any facilities that are available to your guests

Please select the accessibility of your business

Is your business on TripAdvisor?

Have you claimed your business?

Are you interested in signing up to TripAdvisor?

Your business details have been successfully received.

Thank you for taking part in My Clarence Valley.

We will be in touch with you about your submission shortly.

In the meantime, if you're running any events you'd like to list with us, head to the section below!

List your event

List your event

If you're holding an event, we want to hear about it! You can submit details on any significant event you are staging which would be of interest to local residents and visitors.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Please note: If your submission is successful, you will see a "thank you for submission" notice. If you have trouble with the form, please contact the My Clarence Valley Business on 02 6645 0205.

Eligibility + Acknowledgement

Essential event details

Does you event occur on more than one occasion?

Additional date information

Type of event

More about your event

Event description


Event Contact Details

Submitting person

If different to above details

Event images for promotion

Please provide images without text overlays and less than 1MB in size

Your event details have been successfully received.

Thank you for taking part in My Clarence Valley.

We will be in touch with you about your submission shortly.

Would you like to submit another event listing?

What is MCVB?